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ESDM、すなわちEarly Start Denver Modelは、主に1歳から5歳までの幼児向けに設計された介入アプローチです。これは、自閉症スペクトラム障害(ASD)の症状を持つ、またはそのリスクがある幼児を対象としています。このプログラムは早期介入と発達支援に焦点を当て、幼児期のこの重要な発達段階での社会的、コミュニケーション、認知の発達を促進することを目的としています。





Recently, I have been attending enrolled into ESDM training provided by the University of California, San Diego, and therapy experts from different countries.

ESDM, which stands for the Early Start Denver Model, is primarily designed for young children, typically between the ages of 1 to 5 years old. It targets infants and toddlers who exhibit symptoms of or are at risk for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). This program focuses on early intervention and developmental support, aiming to promote social, communication, and cognitive development during this crucial developmental stage.

ESDM places a strong emphasis on building social engagement, communication skills, and play abilities in young children with ASD. The goal is to intervene as early as possible to maximize the child's developmental potential and improve their overall quality of life. However, the specific age range may vary depending on individual circumstances, and ESDM principles can sometimes be adapted for slightly older children or those with varying developmental needs. Consulting with qualified therapists or healthcare professionals for more personalized assessment and guidance is crucial.

Core domains for ESDM : Receptive language, expressive language, fine/gross motor skills, social interaction, cognition, play skills, imitation, pre-academics, adaptive behavior, joint attention.

Setting: In the context of games/natural environment.

ESDM shares some similarities with PRT (Pivotal Response Treatment). ESDM itself starts from play rather than from Discrete Trial Training (DTT), emphasizing that our field staff should find ways to acquire core communication skills naturally while having fun in a natural environment and objectively demonstrate them through data collection.



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